Tuesday, March 22, 2016




はじめに、母と妹とハバナに行きます。最近アメリカとキューバの政府(government)友達になったので今アメリカ人は行くことができます(can go)。僕、母と妹もスペイン語がわからないんですがキューバで旅行するのがたぶんちょっと大変です。。。





PE Reflection

皆さん、once again お早うございます! another PE Reflection を書きたいです。

Looking back over my past goals I’ve definitely seen a decrease in what I’ve set out for myself to accomplish, the result, I think, of feeling like having to balance an increasing amount of distracting other commitments. However this semester I think I’ve found the best method for continuing to improve my speaking outside of class, which is to go to office hours once or twice a week and just talk with 先生.

Often times in those 15 minutes I can say more than I would in a few days, perhaps even a whole week of class. Moreover, I can get direct feedback on my grammar and pronunciation as I practice. And finally, in all honesty it’s way more interesting to talk to a person than to shadow or do the Nakama exercises. Thus for the last 6 weeks of the semester my goal is to go to office hours at least twice a week to practice everything we’re learning in class.